You can achieve almost unlimited table styling options using the new <<table_header>>, <<table_body>>, <<subitems_header>>, and <<subitems_body>> placeholders. You can set most of the styling options using a 'guide table' in the Word document (check out the Placeholders article); however, there are some settings that you need to specify in DocuGen Settings > Table styling (or Subitems styling):
1. Item Name: The 'name' column is the first column in any board, also called an 'item'. Unchecking the checkbox will remove this column from your table.
2. Columns: You can include (or exclude) individual board columns from your table by checking (or unchecking) the checkbox for each. You can also control the styling of each column separately.
3. Unit: If the column is a Formula column, you can add a unit (such as $) that will appear to the left of the value in each cell. However, this option does not exist for Numbers columns because DocuGen automatically displays the units that are defined in the column in your board (if any).
In addition to the above, please review these important considerations when inserting tables in your documents.
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