Our support team may request that you provide a job ID to help us analyze bugs. To get the job ID for your document, simple add <<job_id>> at the beginning of the default document name. Here is how:
- Go to your DocuGen board or item view
- If you're using a DocuGen item view, go to Settings > Template > Name your documents. Insert <<job_id>> a the beginning of the name. Example:
- If you're using a DocuGen board view, go to Setup > Document design > Name your generated documents. Insert <<job_id>> at the beginning of the name. Example:
- Generate a document as you normally would and share it with our support team. The document you generate should contain the error or bug that you reported to our support team.
- Once you've sent the document to our support team, you can remove <<job_id>> from the default document name in DocuGen settings
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